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[Order Cancellation] Why was my order automatically canceled by Shopee? (ENG)

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Shopee will automatically cancel your order if: 

  1. You did not complete payment within the specified time limit after placing your order.
  2. The seller did not adhere to the shipping deadline set for their product.
  3. The seller has been inactive for more than 7 days.
  4. The order is not in compliance with Shopee Policy.


Sellers are required to ship out orders within their Days to Ship (DTS) period, excluding weekends and public holidays. DTS can range from 2 to 30 days, depending on the type of product (Ready stock or Pre-order)

⚠️ Note

  1. If the parcel is not shipped out by the seller after DTS (Days to Ship), the order will be canceled automatically within 72 hours.  
  2.  The availability of Cash on Delivery (COD) as a payment method may be suspended for 90 days for users who have rejected orders within the last 90 days.
  3. If your order is canceled and tagged as RTS, then it will not be applicable for a redelivery request since orders are returned back to the seller. Learn more about why your order was returned to the seller (RTS).
  4. For Paid or Non-COD orders, you will receive a refund once the parcel has been successfully canceled. You can choose to repurchase the item. Learn more about getting a refund for canceled orders
  5. If your order is via COD, wait for the order to be tagged as canceled before repurchasing the item to avoid multiple orders of the same item.
  6. Your Shopee Coins and Voucher will be automatically refunded after successful cancellation within 24 to 48 hours. Learn more about Shopee Coins and Voucher refunds. 


To check your order’s shipping deadline, go to To Ship under My Purchases via the Me tab > Check the ship-by date under your order.


Learn how to track your orders within the App.  

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